

Digital Marketing + Social Media + SEM + SEO

We develop successful publicity campaigns with clear objectives based on the clients’ requirements. We use different tools for developing, following, measuring and controlling online publicity campaigns, in addition to SEM & SEO positioning.

Graphic Design

We are front runners in creating and designing corporate identities for companies and businesses. We can help you generating every graphic element needed to create your identity and digital ecosystem, along with traditional graphic media.

Content Development

We have first-rate creatives, audiovisual developers and editors in our team in order to give your company a precise, esthetic and clear message. We also count with cutting-edge technology.

Web Development + Ecommerce + Apps

We provide an integral service of web design, mockup and programming. Enhance your business with your own personal online store. We are experts in designing and developing mobile apps for iOS and Android.

Public Relations + Press

We are tacticians when it comes to developing marketing strategies, internal communication, press and PR. We add your message the creativity ingredient in order to achieve success.

Digital Post Production

In holdstep we specialize in digital photo retouching. Our professionals have more than ten years of experience in fields like publicity, fashion and editorial.